Hugh wahla Hugh wahla

Reflections, tips and insghts

I’m very happy you’ve found your way here.

In my newsletters and on this blog I’ll be sharing regular reflections, insights and tips along the themes of “purpose, balance and joy”.

Essentially anything that I come across that I feel will enhance your quality of life with the very occasional offer to participate in some way, shape or form.

It could be one sentence or a whole load of goodies.

I’m very happy you’ve found your way here.

In my newsletters and on this blog I’ll be sharing regular reflections, insights and tips along the themes of “purpose, balance and joy”.

Essentially anything that I come across that I feel will enhance your quality of life with the very occasional offer to participate in some way, shape or form.

It could be one sentence or a whole load of goodies.

To kick things off here’s an amazing documentary called STUTZ I watched on Netflix recently:

Phil Stutz is an amazing psychiatrist who’s worked wonders with the actor and comedian, Jonah Hill.

His approach to psychiatry is incredible. A combination of the best learnings from the worlds of science and spirituality.

And he’s even funnier that Jonah Hill.

He’s very much about giving you the tools to deal with your challenges rather than digging further and further into your childhood! I loved it.

“Kindness Contagion"

Such a simple yet effective way to improve your wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.

Make it your goal to intentionally perform a simple act of kindness at least 3 times a day.

That can be letting someone out of a busy junction or holding a door open for someone.

Of course these acts could be far more significant, charitable or grand but keeping this mentality in the back of your mind daily will absolutely benefit.

Make sure you tick these off every day. It doesn't have to be taxing but will make you more mindful of it.

All these random acts of kindness produce something called 'kindness contagion'.

Think "Butterfly Effect".

This leads to more and more kindness, from friends and strangers alike.

It's a 'pay-it-forward effect' - your kind deeds are replicated in your circle and beyond, in an upward spiral of giving.

What simple acts are you going to perform today?

Try this simple awareness exercise to immediately help bring some calm and joy into your life.

Try it and let me know how you get on. 



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Hugh wahla Hugh wahla

Harness the power of Role Models

In ancient times people looked up to a legendary figure called “the sage”. 

They aimed to be like this sage. who represented wisdom and living a good life. 

Though they couldn't be exactly like the sage, their efforts helped them learn and grow as individuals.

Religion also teaches about perfect beings who show us how to live a virtuous life and find enlightenment.

But it's not just ancient figures or religious leaders who can inspire us. 

Everyday people around us can be role models too. 

They might have faced tough times but still showed courage and kindness. These role models could be friends, family members, athletes, or even politicians. 

What matters most are the good qualities they have, not just their fame or wealth.

This applies across all areas of life. 

Running both Urban Outfitters and then The Conran Shop I was often asked who I looked up to or who our competitors were. 

My answer was always, everyone and no one. There were absolutely brands and people that did certain things very well and I was inspired by elements of what they did. I didn't want to copy anyone but definitely learned from the best. 

Role models don't just inspire us—they can also teach us important lessons. 

That's why things like neurolinguistic programming (NLP) were created. NLP helps people learn from successful individuals by studying how they act and think.

Just like when you're about to explore a jungle and need a guide, having someone to show you the way in life can be incredibly helpful. 

Learning from their experiences, successes and mistakes can make our own journey easier.

Try this exercise:

Make a list of 10 people that inspire you and in what way. 

They could be someone you know or someone famous. 

Think about what makes them special and what you can learn from them. 

Try and craft a bit of each of them into your life. 

By following their example, we can all find our own path to success and happiness.

Some amazing people who inspire me:

Tim Ferriss

An American entrepreneur, author, podcaster and lifestyle guru. Tim has an amazing approach to life and inspires me in so many ways. I first came across him when I was thinking of learning how to swim at the age of 53. Watch the video in the link. It totally worked! 

And here’s a link to the latest episode of his fantastic podcast. You’ll come across so many more inspirational people through this series. 

Rupert Spira

Author, spiritual teacher, philosopher, world renowned potter. A specialist in (re)connecting to simple and joyful awareness. According to Deepak Chopra, Rupert is probably the most important spiritual teacher of our time. 

Rupert has had a profound impact on how I live and experience my life. 

Here’s a link to a lovely chat between Rupert and Neil Webster on the topic of love and our search for happiness. 

Gary Lineker

We all know Gary. An incredible sportsman, broadcaster, entrepreneur, podcaster and, most importantly, amazingly compassionate human. 

Someone who isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in and is willing to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. 

From taking refugees into his own home to shaming the government.

Gary inspires me to stand up for what I believe in despite the risks. 

He has an apparently great footfall podcast but I’m not really a football fan so can’t comment! I’m sure it’s great! 

Let me know how you get on. 

I’d also love to hear back from you on any thoughts and suggestions for future topics. Or anything at all! 



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